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English 20F, 30S, 40S Comp (Dave)

November 3, 2022

Students will find many alternative forms of delivery in this class to assist them in achieving curricular outcomes. In this class, students will study the creative process of storytelling on film, paying close attention to all phases of production, from the scripted page to the editing room. Students will explore:

  • an in-depth study of mythological archetypes and the 7 Teachings as they relate to superhero films,
  • learn critical analysis through viewing short cinematic works
  • and compare and contrast the storytelling techniques of a dramatic play with its film version.

Students will have the opportunity to choose how they will demonstrate their knowledge. For example:

  • project-based
  • written forms
  • and presented products

Students will learn how to use scriptwriting software, create informative and persuasive text and product, understand how creators use various techniques to illuminate theme, read from a variety of texts and use these understandings to help them navigate their own personal journeys. In this unique setting, students will read novels, short stories and plays, and view cinematic works. Supplemental activities such as analyzing poems, reviews and articles will enhance their learning.

For example, students have recently examined moral and ethical questions through the study of a television series, learned about cross-cultural mythological archetypes and the 7 Sacred Teachings through a study of the Marvel Universe and understood technical aspects of cinematic storytelling through short film analysis.

Students will be invited to explore how addictions and mental health affect the protagonist in the novel and series "The Queen's Gambit", and can access supports relating to these topics from our mental health and addictions professionals as part of the Argyle Support Services team.

Through regular in-class discussion, process and product activities and student sharing, our participants come to understand how conflict relates to a character's arc, and by extension, how our own choices impact personal growth.


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