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WSD Class Size Data Hub

November 25, 2024

The following dashboard is based on the September 30, 2024 enrolment. It provides information on the average class size at schools by grade and program. For multi-age classrooms (blended rooms), the class size is assigned to the lowest grade. For example, a Grade 2/3 class would be counted in the Grade 2 average and not in the Grade 3 average class size. Nursery and Grade 9 students are excluded from split class averages (e.g., N/K class).

The class size average can also be thought of as the number of students in a homeroom by teacher. For example, an average of 19 at a school means than on average, the school has 19 students assigned to each teacher.

For Kindergarten to Grade 3, the target class average is 20 students per teacher. In grades 4 to 6, the target class average is 25 students per teacher. The model below provides two sets of data; one of current average number of students per class and another with current average number of students per class adjusted to account for Learning Support Teachers (LSTs) at each school. Learning Support Teachers support students in areas such as literacy, numeracy, inclusive practices, counselling, newcomers, and guidance. Learning Support Teachers do not include Principals and Vice-Principals or Educational Assistants. 

    • Information on the left can be filtered and multiple selections can be made by selecting an item, holding the ‘Ctrl’ button on your keyboard and making another selection. 
    • Schools listed on the right in the table can also be selected to filtered results. 
    • To clear your selections, click on the ‘Clear All/Reset’ button.

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