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UNESCO schools

February 8, 2021

​Becoming critical thinkers and compassionate leaders.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was created in 1945, when much of the world was emerging from the wreckage of the Second World War. Canada was one of its 20 founding members.

Its goal was—and remains—a lofty one: Nothing less than world peace.

Winnipeg School Division has four UNESCO schools. Brock Corydon, Niji Mahkwa, Laura Secord and Churchill High School is a charter school (in process).

Grade 5 students from Brock Corydon, Niji Mahkwa and Laura Secord meet annually with three other schools from other schools in Manitoba – one is Muslim, one Catholic, one secular school. Brock Cordyon is Hebrew and Niji Mahkwa is Indigenous, while Laura Secord represents a secular school. Students meet for one full day in May on how to get along and understand each other. During the meeting, they are mentored by Churchill High School students.

In Grade 6, the students meet again, in January, and spend two days researching four different faith based ceremonies: a pipe ceremony and visits to a mosque, a synagogue and a Catholic church.

In Canada, the Associated Schools Network has 70 schools in seven provinces. Canadian schools that join the UNESCO Associated Schools Network make a commitment to support UNESCO's ideals through four pillars of learning and four themes of study.

The 25 UNESCO schools in Manitoba meet three times a year with grade 5 and 6 students, teachers and administrators. During these meetings they work on the four pillars of UNESCO:

  • Learning to do
  • Learning to know
  • Learning to be
  • Learning to live together

This ties into the three pillars of Winnipeg School Division’s Education for Sustainable Development, which are environment, economy, human health and well-being.

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