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Parent Advisory Council

January 27, 2025

The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of volunteer parents who meet each month to learn first hand about the wonderful programs available at your child’s school, plan special events and develop fundraising ideas. Brock Corydon’s Parent Advisory Council is an involved and vital support to school and community and a registered charity.  All are welcomed to join the monthly meetings on a regular or ad hoc basis, and become involved with committees and/or special events throughout the school year.

PAC Executive: Positions and Responsibilities


  • Attend and chair the monthly PAC meetings. 
  • Prepare the agenda for the meetings and invite the various committee members to present reports on their progress. 
  • Attend the exec meetings and bring forward any items of interest that have been brought up by parents in the community or through correspondence received from other councils or agencies. 
  • Oversee the fundraising events and family events providing assistance where required (i.e. volunteers, permits, extra equipment).

Vice Chair:

  • Chair the PAC meetings when the chair/co-chair is unavailable. 
  • Attend the exec meetings. 
  • Organize the room reps and assist them in preparing class phone, address and email lists for the school phone book.  
  • Forward PAC and community emails to the room reps for overall distribution.
  • Organize the Staff Appreciation Week.


  • Attend the PAC meetings and provide an up to date financial statement for the previous month. 
  • Attend the exec meetings. 
  • Manage the PAC bank account, including deposits, writing cheques, and balancing statements. 
  • Annually file the Registered Charity Information Return, Directors/Trustees and Like Officials Worksheet and the year end financial statements with the federal government. 
  • Complete and file the Annual Return of Information with the Companies Office. 
  • PAC Cheque Request Form 
  • PAC Money Submission Deposit Summary 


  • Attend the PAC and exec meetings. 
  • Take minutes at the PAC meeting and circulate electronic copy to the exec for approval. 
  • Provide a hard copy for approval at the next PAC meeting. 
  • Keep hard copies on file of all minutes for the period of their position as secretary. 

Room Representatives (Room Reps): 

A great opportunity to meet parents in your child’s class and learn first hand of the wonderful programs available at your child’s school. The role of Room Rep is to act as liaison between the PAC and parents of the class. The job entails:

  • Prepare and update phone/e-mail list of classroom students.
  • Welcome new families in the class to Brock Corydon School.
  • Attend PAC meetings or appoint an alternate to attend.
  • Invite parents to attend PAC meetings.
  • Pass on important information via e-mail.
  • Recruit parents to volunteer for school-wide events.
  • Coordinate volunteers for class-specific functions (when requested by a teacher).

Monthly PAC Meetings: This is a standing invitation to parents! These meetings are great opportunities to learn firsthand of the wonderful programs available at Brock Corydon School, get involved and make a difference in your child’s learning environment, and to meet other parents.

Want to be kept informed? Please contact the PAC Exec at for information or if you have any concerns. Minutes from PAC meetings are available upon request.  

Remember – your input can help make a difference!

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