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Junior High

February 13, 2025

Message from Administration:

Welcome to the Elmwood Middle Years Program.  At Elmwood we take great pride in the programming we offer to our students before, during and after the school day.  Elmwood is guided by the whole child philosophy.  Making sure our students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. We look forward to helping your daughters and sons reach their full potential both inside and out of the classroom.  We thank you for trusting their learning to us. 

Grades 7 and 8 are important years in your child’s educational journey.  They are becoming teenagers and looking for independence and opportunities to express themselves.  At Elmwood we work hard to foster this growing independence through a variety of experiences and opportunities.  We also know that it is vital to have strong connections between school and home to ensure positive growth for all our students. 

Elmwood has a code of conduct that focuses on acting respectfully and taking responsibility.  We employ a Restorative Actions philosophy when dealing with students.  The goal is to build a peaceful school environment where everyone feels safe.  Expectations of accountability are a part of the learning process and this helps students grow as individuals.

We encourage you to contact the school with any concerns or questions that may arise. 

- Middle Years Vice-Principal

Here is some information about what occurs in the Elmwood Middle Years program: 

General Information 
  • Classrooms are open at 8:45 am and at 1:10 pm
  • The school day is divided into 5 classes: 
  • Period 1: 9:00 – 10:10
  • Period 2: 10:10 – 11:15
  • Period 3: 11:15 – 12:20
  • Lunch: 12:20 – 1:20  (Students are expected to choose a location for lunch by 12:30 and remain there until 1:17. Options include – classroom, cafeteria, outside of the school)
  • Period 4: 1:20 – 2:25
  • Period 5: 2:25 – 3:30 


The following courses are compulsory for all students in Grade 7 and 8.

    Language Arts 
    Social Studies  
    Physical Education and Health 
    Industrial Arts/Home Economics   
     -  Graphics 
     -  Clothing 
     -  Foods 
     -  Woods 
     -  Computers 
     -  Metals (Grade 7) 
     -  Electronics (Grade 8)

Band Program

Grade 7 - All grade 7 students will have the opportunity to participate in a band orientation week in September.  This will include a demonstration of all the musical instruments and an introduction to music making and theory.  At the conclusion of this orientation week students will have the opportunity to enroll in the band program.

Grade 8 – Grade 8 students choose to participate in the band program when completing their grade 8 applications.
* The Elmwood band program functions on a pull out basis.  Non band students remain with their classroom teacher for resource and enrichment opportunities*

Performing Arts 

    Drama – Grade 7 and 8 students will have the opportunity to participate in the school’s production, talent show and coffee house.


Whenever a student is absent from school, parents/guardians are asked to contact the school office by telephone.  In cases of longer absences a note indicating the date, length of the absence and the reason for the absence.  Verified absences are recorded and reported to classroom teachers.

Call back System – When the office has not been notified of an absence a staff member will contact the parent/guardian at home or work to notify them of their child’s absence.  The call back system occurs during the first period of the morning and afternoon.

Late Arrivals – Students arriving late must complete a late slip.  Failure to do so will result in the student being marked absent and a phone call being made to the parent/guardian.

Extra Curricular Activities

    Inter School Sports

     -Cross Country (Sept/Oct) 
     -Indoor Track and Field (November-April) 
     -Flag Football 
     -Wrestling (November –March) 
     -Volleyball (Late September-November) 
     -Basketball (Late November – March) 
     -Soccer (April/May) 
     -Softball (May) 
     -Outdoor Track and Field (May/June)

    -Floor Hockey 

Student Support Services 

  • Guidance Counselor 
  • Resource Department
  • English as an Additional Language
  • School Social Worker
  • School Psychologist
  • Reading Clinician
  • Audiologist
  • Speech / Language Clinician
  • Intercultural Support Worker

Additional Services 

  • Noon hour clubs 
  • Student Council 
  • Library 
  • Homework Club (through ECRC)
  • Safe Arrival and Departure Program
  • Parent Council – The Elmwood Parent Council consists of parents of students from grades 7-12.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1.  How will I know where to go on the first day?
- Class lists will be posted outside of the main office and the guidance office prior to the start of school
2.  Will I have my own locker? 
- Yes. A locker and combination lock will be assigned to each student. 
**Students are reminded to not bring valuables with them to school**
3.  Can I eat lunch at school? 
- Yes. The school cafeteria is open between 12:20 and 1:20 pm.  Students may eat their own lunch in the cafeteria or purchase items to eat.  
When remaining at school students are required to be in a designated supervised area from 12:30-1:10 pm.  The privilege to remain at school can be lost if students are not in a designated supervised area.

4.    Is there a dress code? 
-  Students are expected to dress appropriately with the guidelines that school is a place of business and to help ensure a safe and respectful school environment.
5.  How often are report cards issued and what information is provided? 
- Report cards for Middle Years students are issued three times per year.  Student led conferences will take place in April.  Subjects are reported in percentages on a computerized report card.  A comment is added from each teacher reflecting classroom behavior.  Successes, challenges and next steps are also indicated.

6.  Will I be assigned homework?
- Homework assigned will vary from subject to subject.  Assignments will be started in class and can often be finished by hard work in class.  Students may also have special projects or studying for tests to do at home.

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