PBIS Anchors
July 22, 2022
Positive Behaviour Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Unfortunately, no magic wand single-handedly works to remove the barriers to learning that occur when behaviours are disrupting the learning community. The climate of each learning community is different; therefore, a "one size fits all" approach is less effective than interventions based on the needs of each school.
One of the foremost advances in school-wide discipline is the emphasis on school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create positive school environments. Instead of using a piecemeal approach of individual behavioural management plans, a continuum of positive behaviour support for all students within a school is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as classrooms and common area's).
Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioural supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results (personal, health, social, family, work, recreation) for all youth by making targeted misbehaviour less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behaviour more functional.
At Machray we have established three anchors which support our PBIS interventions and supports. Our Machray anchors are Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Each week we honour four students that have earned "Virtue" awards, awards that have been earned by demonstrating specific virtues within the school and in the community. The Virtue Program empowers students to demonstrate the best that they can be in our school and community and to be recognized for it.