Roots and Shoots
July 22, 2022
Act Locally, Think Globally.
What types of projects do Roots & Shoots members do?
Projects can be simple - individual efforts such as recycling your family's trash, or larger group efforts requiring a lot of people-power - like organizing to clean up a major urban park. Any project that helps the human community, preserves the lives of animals or improves the environment, fits within the Roots & Shoots goals.
Here are some examples of action that our groups have taken:
- Food or clothing drive
- Helping at an animal shelter
- Help out at local senior centers
- Plant butterfly gardens, build bird houses, etc.
- Educate others about endangered species
- Promote practices to reduce household energy use.
Projects can also be global in scope (e.g. the Leading Light Initiative, raising money for chimpanzees in our sanctuaries).