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Lunch Program

January 15, 2024
Lunch Program Registration

QSAC runs a daily Lunch Program for students in grades 1 to 6.  Please see the attachments under resources for lunch registration packages, welcome letter and handbook.

Please see the attachments below under resources for registration information for the 2023-2024 school year.

Dear Queenston Families,

“Welcome back Queenston Families! We hope everyone is settling back into routine after their winter holidays. The first half of the year was so much fun! The kids are wonderful at lunch and we have been getting along swimmingly. Just a couple notes that we wanted to mention: 

 1. Students should not be using cell phones at any time during the day (9:00-3:30).  However, there are situations that we allow but only under teacher supervision, time limited and with the parental knowledge.  We definitely do not allow any use of internet searches (you tube, netflix, google) or social media (texting, snapchat, instagram, etc) or pictures. If you can please remind your children to refrain from use of their cell phones during lunch time, it would be appreciated. If they need to do so they can definitely ask the Lunch Supervisor for permission. 

 2. Please refrain from sending any food item containing nuts/peanuts to school. 

3. If children have items to be heated, please give to the microwave attendant as soon as they arrive to ensure they have ample time to eat - we have several microwaves running at once! 

 4. We have implemented a “Lost at Lunch, and Found!” bin for stray utensils and lunch items so children can see if they recognize anything and take it home. The kids have been made aware of this on their first week back. 

 Finally, if any parent is interested in signing up as a substitute, please contact 

Thank you! 

 -Lindsay Torres (QSAC LP Chair/Treasurer)

 -Diane Wreford (Lunch Program Supervisor)”

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