Room 208 Grade 1/2: Ms. Jones
March 12, 2024
Welcome back to a new school year! My name is Melanie Jones and I am excited to be teaching your child this year. I look forward to learning together and watching your child grow as the gain knowledge and confidence throughout the year.
Below is a brief overview of this year’s program:
Students will be participating in lessons and activities in reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing. These will include:
- Reading: read aloud, Read to Me Framework, shared reading, comprehension strategies and independent reading.
- Writing: Six traits of writing, word study, journals, interactive writing, and conferences.
- Listening: whole class read aloud.
- Speaking: Talk to Me Program, sharing circle, sharing work and group discussions.
- Viewing: learning to use books, pictures, and videos for learning.
- Representing: responding to literature and recording their thoughts using art, journals and graphic organizers.
Students will develop an understanding of science concepts in the following units
- Daily and Seasonal Changes
- Air and Water in the Environment
- Position and Motion
- The Five Senses
Students will develop an understanding about communities. The units of study include:
- Our Local Community
- I Belong
- My Environment
Throughout the year students will be exposed to the following math strands:
- Number
- Patterns and Relations
- Shape and Space
- Statistics and Probability
- Be respectful to everyone at William Whyte
- Walk nicely and quietly in the hallway.
- Keep hands and feet to ourselves.
- Always try our best.
Please contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss. I can be contacted at the school at (204) 589-4313