Student Services
January 8, 2024
Ms. J. Scott, Principal and Mr. J. Ferguson, Vice-Principal are available for consultation and dialogues with students, parents and community members.
Guidance Counsellor
Our Guidance Counsellor, is available to meet with students and/or parents/guardians to provide assistance of a general or personal nature to all students. Services and information are provided in a wide variety of areas such as course selection, career planning, high school information, personal relationships and many other issues that affect a student’s psychological, emotional, social, physical, mental, and academic well-being. Given the sensitive and private nature of many of these issues, confidentiality is a key expectation for the service offered by our Student Service Teacher.
HOMEROOM TEACHERS: If you wish to meet with your child’s homeroom teacher to discuss academic progress, contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Students need to make an appointment in the main office if you wish to see the Principal or the Vice-Principal. The office staff will give you an appointment slip with the time of your meeting.
If it is an emergency, come to the office and we will arrange for you to see a student service teacher immediately. If they are unavailable, you may see the Principal or Vice-Principal. It should be understood that the student service teacher is there to help students with a variety of issues, which they may encounter. Any discussions with students are confidential.
Parents: If you are experiencing some problems with your son or daughter, please feel free to contact the school and discuss your concerns with an administrator or a student service teacher.
Other Student Support Services
If students require assistance in their learning and their academic studies, there is a Resource Teacher from whom they can receive assistance. Services can be accessed through self-referral, parent or teacher referral. Ms Connie Buoncore is the resource teacher who coordinates this program and works with Educational Assistants to support student learning. Ms Buoncore can be consulted about the E.A.L., A.A.A. (Academic Achievement Aboriginal Students), Special Education, Life Skills and L.A.C. Programs that are available in the school.
Hugh John MacDonald Community Support Worker and Intercultural Support Workers
Aboriginal Community Support Worker, 204-786-5631
Ms. Nadia Ourrhi, ICSW, 204-786-5631
The School Support Worker Team takes on the responsibility for developing positive relationships amongst the school, the parents, and the community. They build these relationships by visiting homes, organizing workshops for parents, networking with community based organizations, and most importantly develop positive relationships with students. The work that they do on a daily basis is grounded in a commitment to respect the confidentiality of students and their families.
Hugh John Macdonald School Resource Officer
We works with students and staff at Hugh John Macdonald, Victoria-Albert, Dufferin, and Pinkham schools. They are committed to strengthening relationships among the Winnipeg Police Service, our schools and community. They work towards building these relationships by consistent and regular dialogues and meetings with everyone on such diverse issues as mediation, law related workshops, participation in school life events with students and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact them to start the process of getting to know an active member of our school community.
Clinical Support Services Clinicians
Clinicians from the Clinical Support Services, located at John M. King School, phone number 204-786-7841, assigned to Hugh John Macdonald School are:
Ms B. Obradovic - Social Worker
Ms E. Braun-Janzen
Arrangements to meet with these counselors can be made through the administration or the Guidance Department. Parents/Guardians permission are required for students to receive service and support by these clinicians on a regular basis.
Medical Assistance
If a student accidentally receives an injury during a school activity, or on the way to or from school, or for any other reason… a student must report this injury to the office or a teacher immediately. This will ensure that the student will receive assistance, first aid and that the parent/guardian will be informed.
If the injury requires a doctor’s attention, parents/guardians will be notified by the school. The parent/guardian will be asked to pick the student up and have them taken to a doctor.
Parents: If the injury is severe, the school will call an ambulance and your son or daughter will be taken to the hospital. You will be notified immediately about the injury and the hospital to which your son or daughter was taken. A teacher will remain with the student until a parent/guardian arrives or medical attention is provided.
Note: The cost of the ambulance service is the responsibility of the parents.
School Insurance
Each year the Winnipeg School Division grants an insurance company permission to offer students a variety of insurance coverage for a nominal fee. The information about the insurance coverage offered is sent to the homes by way of your son or daughter in early September. If you did not receive your information, please contact the school and we will send it to you.
Note: We strongly recommend that you purchase this coverage to defer and cover such health costs as ambulance service listed above.
Social Media
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